Friday, August 26, 2011

Ethics of Speech

Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Ethical conduct (Śīla • Sīla)

In order for the mind to be unified in concentration, it is necessary to restrain from unwholesome deeds of body and speech to prevent the faculties of bodily action and speech from becoming tools of the defilements. Ethical conduct is used primarily as aids for mental purification.

In a world of exaggerated advertising campaigns, exploitative talk shows, hate radio, and political spin doctors, Right Speech and impeccable expression may seem to be a rather tall order. Yet if we are sincere about embodying the Dharma, our words ideally will become a reflection of our desire to help others. Think kindly; speak gently and clearly. The wisdom of cause and effect—or karma—teaches us that everything matters—every breath, every syllable, every sentence. As we walk the path to enlightenment, nothing is meaningless, and it all counts. Imagine that all the thoughts and fragmented sentences that are just now swirling through your head were printed out on a giant chalkboard—like the daily menu in some restaurants. Which thoughts do you sincerely want to express? It's a choice we make—sometimes hundreds of times every day. With your words you confirm to the world, and yourself, what you think is important. Words help concretize our thoughts and concepts; they define our priorities, reify our ideas and opinions, and express our worldview and intentions. Words have power; to be specific, your words have power. We can use speech patterns to help us communicate with others in a more considered, conscious way, or we can be careless and create trouble with our words—trouble for ourselves as well as others.

In the context of Dharma, speech is a particularly compelling issue because to reflect upon speech is to think about self, non-self, and others. Don't most of us use speech as an expression of ego and the need to hang on to and confirm our illusory self? Don't we use speech to communicate that we exist? "I'm here," we say, confirming and marking out our territorial space. To some extent, we all habitually use words to express ego and a false self. By putting forth our views, we use speech to shore up the concrete citadel of ego and the notion of "me" and "mine." We tell ourselves and others stories about ourselves and our lives. We speak to others; we speak to ourselves. What do we say? And why do we say it?

When the Buddha talked about Right Speech or impeccable speech, what he meant was excellent speech that reflected inner wisdom, clear vision, and Buddha-nature. The instructions that come down to us from the Buddha concerning everyday speech are simple yet profound. On a mundane level, we are instructed as follows:

Speak the Truth, Tell No Lies

On this point, the Buddha's advice was remarkably straightforward. He said: "If he is called to tell what he knows, he answers if he knows nothing: 'I know nothing.' And if he knows, he answers, 'I know.' If he has seen nothing, he answers: 'I have seen nothing.' And if he has seen, he answers: 'I have seen.' Thus, he never knowingly speaks a lie, neither for the sake of his own advantage, nor for the sake of another person's advantage, nor for the sake of any advantage whatsoever."

Words articulated without guile, masked ego needs, conflict, or hidden agendas—wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to speak with such clarity and simplicity, all the time? Haven't there been times in your life when you are so centered and clear that your words, like the Buddha's, ring with truth and sanity? Don't we all sometimes have these breakthrough moments, times when we are in touch with who we are and what we know? These are precious moments, minutes, or hours when each of us is able to speak his or her own truth, honestly and fearlessly. But these breakthroughs are difficult to sustain.

As a seeker, you have probably already wrestled with the problems connected to outright lying; in all likelihood, you've made an appropriate decision not to be evasive or indulge in direct falsehoods or deceitful, manipulative statements. We all agree that outright lying is counterproductive. But as we walk further along the spiritual path, chances are we will each arrive at checkpoints where the subtleties of truth come into play. We may discover time after time that it's difficult to be clear and forthright in everything we say, and we may find ourselves compromising and shading the truth. Instead of saying what we know is true, for example, we say things that others want to hear. Or we say things that we want to hear—and believe.

When we don't want to appear weak or vulnerable, we say things that make us look strong and powerful. When we don't want others to think we are out of control, we use words to control what others do. It's very easy to spot the manipulations of the spin doctors from Madison Avenue or Washington, D.C.; it's more complex when we create our own egotistical advertising campaigns. Yet this is what we do all the time by presenting ourselves as we would like to appear and hiding behind the stories we tell ourselves and others to get what we think we want. All this only serves to create false personas that leave us feeling incomplete and alienated from our authentic selves.

Don't you sometimes use words to distance others and protect your true feelings? Haven't you ever told people that you were feeling "fine" even when you were depressed and sad? We don't always use words to communicate from our hearts and then we expect others to be mind readers. Sometimes we even tell ourselves stories. "I don't eat so many sweets," we say to ourselves as we reach again into the bag of cookies. "I'm not really lying to Miranda," we think as we make up a plausible excuse to break an appointment. "It doesn't really matter," we reassure ourselves, even when we know it matters a great deal.

Everyone says that communication and mutual understanding is the essence of good relationships. And nowhere are the subtleties of honest speech more apparent than in our personal relationships. However, as much as we may want to express ourselves authentically with words that reflect love, warmth, and openness, we don't always manage to do it. Our expectations get in the way and distort the picture; so do our desires, fears, illusions, and projections. That's why we all regularly need to stop and ask ourselves if we are moving in the direction of more honesty, or not.

I often speak to people who tell me they are unhappy because their loved ones don't seem to be listening to what they have to say. They feel invalidated and as though their opinions are being disregarded. But when these people delve a little bit deeper below the surface of their complaints, they often realize they are failing to express their feelings and wishes in a clear and direct manner. When we withhold our true feelings, protect our emotions, and construct false personas to present to the world, we become part of the problem.

Reality—seeing things just as they are—is a central issue of Buddhist practice. Pure attention, unclouded by distortion or delusion, knows things exactly as they are, in the present moment. We bring Right Speech into our relationships by trying always to be honest and forthright and by letting go of our intricate defense systems and being truthful and open about who we are and how we feel.

As part of awareness practice involving Right Speech, try listening to yourself so you can hear how you sound from a different perspective, as if being outside of yourself as an objective listener. Speaking the truth is a very present-moment activity; truth-telling begins by becoming aware of what you tell yourself. Then try listening to the way you sound to others. Do you sound tentative, confused, angry, rattled, tense? Are you using speech to manipulate feelings or emotions, yours or someone else's? Do you use speech, or even silence, as a way of hiding who you are? Are you communicating what you think you're communicating? Are you able to recognize and acknowledge reality? Are you able to speak your truth in your own authentic voice, unflinchingly and without hesitation?

Use Words to Help, Not Harm


Right Speech Reminds Us To Refrain From Causing Trouble With Speech That Is Hurtful Or Unnecessarily Disruptive Have you ever had the experience of saying something and regretting it later? Perhaps something sarcastic that you thought was funny? Of course. We all have. When I began teaching, I quickly realized that if I made what I thought was a little ironic or facetious joke, some sensitive soul might end up feeling hurt, ridiculed, exposed, or betrayed.

One of Atisha's mind-training Lo-jong Slogans is Don't Talk About Injured Limbs It's a good slogan to remember because what we describe as a joke may in reality be pointing out another being's defects and weaknesses—not unlike staring or pointing a finger. It can be hurtful even though we are backing into it through a joke. And yet how hard it is to walk this talk. What a temptation it sometimes is to poke fun or show how funny and clever we can be with our quick tongues and caustic wit. Hurtful words reinforce personal alienation and a dualistic view. Slander sows discord; sensitive gentle speech can bring about peace and reconciliation.

The Dharma also reminds us that a judgmental point of view will obscure our higher view and distort our direct appreciation of how things are. In the New Testament, Jesus points out that we tend to notice the small imperfection in someone else's eye while overlooking the log sticking out of our own. A Tibetan proverb says: "Don't notice the tiny flea in the other person's hair and overlook the lumbering yak on your own nose." Judgmental words and self-righteous tones fail to help any situation.

Some people seem to be particularly gifted at using words to help others. They are so constructive, positive, and empathetic that they make you feel good whenever you talk to them. "How great for you," they say. "Tell me about it; I want to hear what you have to say." You can feel their intention to give support and encouragement. These communicative geniuses seem to have a special gift—they are able to truly see and hear others. Open and sensitive to what others are experiencing, these gifted listeners are real healers. Listening with a nonjudgmental and open heart is a way to bring bodhicitta and loving-kindness into your communication with others. The Dharma tells us that if we listen carefully, we will be able to hear the natural Buddha in everyone.

~Lama Surya Das

Better than a meaningless story of a thousand words
is a single word of deep meaning
which, when heard, produces peace.

—From the Dhammapada


The situation of mankind is too serious to permit us to listen to the demagogues - least of all demagogues who are attracted to destruction - or even to the leaders who use only their brains and whose hearts have hardened. Critical and radical thought will only bear fruit when it is blended with the most precious quality man is endowed with - the love of life.

Erich Fromm (1973) The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, page 438

Monday, May 16, 2011


Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic. Hark to the knowledge of powers forgotten. Long, long ago in the days of the first man, warfare began between darkness and light. Men, then as now, were filled with both darkness and light; and while in some darkness held sway, in others lights filled the soul.

Aye, age old is this warfare, the eternal struggle between darkness and light. Fiercely is it fought all through the ages, using strange powers hidden to man.

Adepts have there been filled with the blackness, struggling always against the light; but others there are who, filled with brightness, have ever conquered the darkness of night. Where e’er ye may be in all ages and planes, surely ye shall know of the battle with night. Long ages ago, the SUNS of the Morning, descending, found the world filled with night. There in that past time began the struggle, the age old battle of darkness and Light.

Many in that time were so filled with darkness that only feebly flames the light from the night.

Some there were, masters of darkness, who sought to fill all with their darkness; sought to draw others into their night. Fiercely withstood they, the masters of brightness; fiercely fought they from the darkness of night. Sought they ever to tighten the fetters, the chains that bind man to the darkness of night. Used they always the dark magic, brought into man by the power of darkness; magic that enshrouded man’s soul with darkness.

Banded together in as order, BROTHERS of DARKNESS, they through the ages, antagonists they to the children of men. Walked they always secret and hidden, found yet not found by the children of men. Forever they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night. Silently, secretly, use they their power, enslaving and binding the souls of men.

Unseen they come and unseen they go. Man in his ignorance calls THEM from below.

Dark is the way the DARK BROTHERS travel, dark with a darkness not of the night, traveling o’er Earth they walk through man’s dreams. Power have they gained from the darkness around them to call other dwellers from out of their plane, In ways that are dark and unseen by man. Into man’s mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS. Around it, they close the veil of their night. There through its lifetime that soul dwells in bondage, bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night. Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge, forbidden because it is one with the night.

Hark ye, O man, and list to may warning: be ye free from the bondage of night. Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS of DARKNESS. Keep thy face ever turned toward the LIGHT. Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow only has come through the Veil of the night. Aye, man, heed ye my warning: strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the LIGHT. The BROTHERS of DARKNESS seek for their brothers those who have traveled the pathway of LIGHT. For well know they that those who have traveled far towards the Sun on their pathway of LIGHT have great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of LIGHT.

List ye, O man, to he who comes to you. But weight in the balance if his words be of LIGHT. For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESS and yet are not the children of LIGHT.

Easy it is to follow their pathway, easy to follow the path that they lead. But yet, O man, heed ye my warning: Lights comes only to him who strives. Hard is the pathway that leads to the WISDOM, hard is the pathway that leads to the LIGHT. Many shall ye find, the stones in your pathway; many the mountains to climb toward the LIGHT.

Yet know ye, O man, to him that o’ercometh, free will he be of the pathway of Light. Follow ye not the DARK BROTHERS ever. Always be ye a child of the LIGHT. For know ye, O man, in the end LIGHT must conquer and darkness and night be banished from Light.

Listen, O man, and heed ye this wisdom; even as darkness, so is the LIGHT.

When darkness is banished and all Veils are rended, out there shall flash from the darkness, the LIGHT.

Even as exist among men the DARK BROTHERS, so there exists the BROTHERS of LIGHT. Antagonists they of the BROTHERS of DARKNESS, seeking to free men from the night. Powers have they, mighty and potent. Knowing the LAW, the planets obey. Work they ever in harmony and order, freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night. Secret and hidden, walk they also. Known not are they to the children of men. Yet know that ever they walk with thee, showing the WAY to the children of men. Ever have THEY fought the DARK BROTHERS, conquered and conquering time without end. Yet always LIGHT shall in the end be master, driving away the darkness of night.

Aye, man, know ye this knowing: always beside thee walk the Children of LIGHT.

Masters they of the SUN power, ever unseen yet the guardians of men. Open to all is their pathway, open to he who will walk in the LIGHT. Free are THEY of DARK AMENTI, free of the HALLS where LIFE reigns supreme. SUNS are they and LORDS of the morning, Children of Light to shine among men. Like man are they and yet are unlike, Never divided were they in the past. ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal, throughout all space since the beginning of time. Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE, up from the first-space, formed and unformed.

Given to man have they secrets that shall guard and protect him from all harm. He who would travel the path of a master, free must he be from the bondage of night. Conquer must he the formless and shapeless, conquer must he the phantom of fear. Knowing, must he gain of all of the secrets, travel the pathway that leads through the darkness, yet ever before him keep the light of his goal. Obstacles great shall he meet in the pathway, yet press on to the LIGHT of the SUN.

Hear ye, O man, the SUN is the symbol of the LIGHT that shines at the end of thy road. Now to thee give I the secrets: how to meet the dark power, meet and conquer the fear from the night. Only by knowing can ye conquer, Only by knowing can ye have LIGHT.

Now I give unto thee the knowledge, know to the MASTERS, the knowing that conquers all the dark fears. Use this, the wisdom I give thee. MASTER thou shalt be of the BROTHERS of NIGHT.

When unto thee there comes a feeling, drawing thee nearer to the dark gate, examine thine heart and find if the feeling thou hast has come from within. If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts, banish them forth from place in thy mind. Send through they body a wave of vibration, irregular first and regular second, repeating time after time until free. Start the WAVE FORCE in thy BRAIN CENTRE. Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foot.

But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened, be sure that a force is directed to thee. Only by knowing can thou overcome it. Only by wisdom can thou hope to be free. Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power. Attain and ye shall have power o’er all.

Seek ye first a place bound with darkness. Place ye a circle around about thee. Stand erect in the midst of the circle. Use thou this formula, and thou shalt be free. Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee. Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT. Call to the SPIRIT of LIGHT through the Space-Time, using these words and thou shalt be free: "Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT of LIFE, fill thou my body with SPIRIT of LIGHT. Come from the FLOWER that shines through the darkness. Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule. Name them by name, I the Seven: THREE, FOUR, FIVE and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT - Nine. By their names I call them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night: UNTANAS, QUERTAS, CHIETAL, and GOYANA, HUERTAL, SEMVETA - ARDAL. By their names I implore thee, free me from darkness and fill me with LIGHT."

Know ye, O man, that when ye have done this, ye shall be free from the fetters that bind ye, cast off the bondage of the BROTHERS of NIGHT. See ye not that the names have the power to free by vibration the fetters that bind? Use them at need to free thou thine brother so that he, too, may come forth from the night.

Thou, O man, art they brother’s helper. Let him not lie in the bondage of night.

Now unto thee, give I my magic. Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT.

LIGHT unto thee, LIFE unto thee, SUN may thou be on the cycle above.
