Thursday, November 25, 2010

Same Thing...

It is a curious subject of observation and inquiry, whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom. Each, in its utmost development, supposes a high degree of intimacy and heart-knowledge; each renders one individual dependent for the food of his affections and spiritual life upon another; each leaves the passionate lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal of his object.
~ Nathaniel Hawthorn

communion with loneliness

"It is only when the mind is not escaping in any form
that it is possible to be in direct communion with
that thing we call loneliness, the alone,
and to have communion with that thing,
there must be affection, there must be love."
~excerpt from Krishnamurti On Love & Loneliness



This is what should be done
By one who is skilled in goodness,
And who knows the path of peace:
Let them be able and upright,
Straightforward and gentle in speech.
Humble and not conceited,
Contented and easily satisfied.
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways.
Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful,
Not proud and demanding in nature.
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove.
Wishing: In gladness and in saftey,
May all beings be at ease.
Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born,
May all beings be at ease!
Let none deceive another,
Or despise any being in any state.
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another.
Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings:
Radiating kindness over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths;
Outwards and unbounded,
Freed from hatred and ill-will.
Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down
Free from drowsiness,
One should sustain this recollection.
This is said to be the sublime abiding.
By not holding to fixed views,
The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision,
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world.




You are here to bring light to a dark world.

It is as simple as that.

The purpose for which wanderers incarnated is all one: to love, and to love, and to love, and to love.

You will be hurt, broken, humiliated and defeated in the course of a life in faith.

It runs directly counter to the culture in which you live to do things for an ideal reason, to focus upon the Creator which is unseen

De Nuptis Mysticis & De Formula Summa

O my Son, how wonderful is the Wisdom of this Law of Love! How vast are the Oceans of uncharted Joy that lie before the Keel of thy Ship! Yet know this, that every Opposition is in its Nature named Sorrow, and the Joy lieth in the Destruction of the Dyad. Therefore, must thou seek ever those Things which are to thee poisonous, and that in the highest Degree, and make them thine by Love. That which repels, that which disgusts, must thou assimilate in this Way of Wholeness. Yet rest not in the Joy of the Destruction of each complex in thy Nature, but press on to that ultimate Marriage with the Universe whose Consummation shall destroy thee utterly, leaving only that Nothingness which was before the Beginning.
So then the Life of Non-Action is not for thee; the Withdrawal from Activity is not the Way of the Tao; but rather the Intensification and making universal every Unit of thine Energy on every Plane. 


Learn moreover that thy Self includeth the whole Universe of thy Knowledge, so that every increase upon every Plane is an Aggrandizement of that Self. Yet the greater Part of this Universe is common Knowledge, so that thy Self is interwoven with other Selves, save for that Part peculiar to thy Self. And as thou growest, so also this peculiar Part is ever of less Proportion to the Whole, until when thou becomest infinite, it is a Quantity infinitesimal and to be neglected. Lo! When the All is absorbed within the I, it is as if the I were absorbed within the All; for if two Things become wholly and indissolubly One Thing, there is no more Reason for Names, since Names are given to mark off one Thing from another. And this is that which is written in The Book of the Law: "Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!"

{excerpts~ Liber Aleph Vel CXI part 1}


Awakening - The Difference Between Remorse and Shame

The heart that is opening to greater awareness of spiritual reality is essentially a moral heart, one that wants to love more and to share the beauty of life with all beings. Such a heart often feels discouraged in the presence of its own limitations and especially in the light of truth which shines on these limitations, showing places in the self that are not loving, that may, instead, be selfish, unforgiving, and angry.

Out of such limitations, actions are taken and words are spoken that the awakening heart deeply regrets but does not know how to prevent from happening. For in the moment of expression, these words and these actions seem to leap out of oneself unbidden, often to be regretted later on. In many challenging situations in life, the ego is quick to stand up to defend itself, seizing the moment to take revenge or to assume control in some other way. Such emotional upsurges are not looked at kindly by a loving heart, even while they are looked at as necessary or justified by the self that feels threatened, wounded, or deprived.

In the presence of such limitations, one always has a number of choices. The choice that is most light-filled is that of responsible awareness - of desiring to learn from our mistakes. It is the choice of alignment with light and with higher purpose, and leads us on the path of healing with the help of our higher being and guidance from the Divine within. This choice is often accompanied by deep regret or remorse for one's past words or actions, wishing that we could take them back. Remorse or regret, however, is not a bad thing. It is the manifestation of a longing heart that desires to do better and to be better - to love more and to be more. And whether this love is directed toward another, toward God, toward the self, or toward a situation that one lives with, the yearning to love more, accompanied by remorse is founded in love and, as such, is an impetus to growth and to the expansion of the heart.

Feeling ashamed of one's past actions, by contrast, partakes of an altogether different energy. Whereas remorse (regret) is motivated by love and by faithfulness to ideals, shame is motivated by self-righteous indignation and judgment and partakes of darkness rather than light. Shame, unlike regret, is unforgiving, creates a sense of 'badness', replaces Divine mercy, understanding, and compassion, with judgments that one has made up oneself.

Shame is a judgment of the self by the self. Unlike remorse which is rooted in love, shame is rooted in anger, accusation, and self-righteousness. Often, people who feel ashamed experience the two-foldness of judgment. Directed toward the self, judgment becomes shame; directed toward others, judgment becomes blame. Many people go back and forth between these two polarities.

In the presence of mistakes, unkind words, incorrect actions, and other ways of being that one retrospectively finds lacking, it is important to assume that one is a learner - a learner about love - and to meet the situation with remorse rather than shame. Remorse and regret keep the heart open to ways of loving better. They also allow for the necessary humility to continue learning, knowing that mistakes will be made again and again as learning progresses.

With an open heart, willing to learn, all limitations can be embraced with compassion, and all shame can disappear. This is the way of the Divine within the human, it is the way of spiritual progress, and it is the way of love which holds compassion for all, including and most essentially the self.

{Julie Redstone}

Will vs. Desire

WILL VERSUS DESIRE. Set side by side, will and desire look different — as different as the two words sound — as different as the concepts in reality inherently are.
Far from identical are they; nay, they are strictly opposites. And yet, quite often the one is confounded with the other.
When a person works ambitiously for self-satisfaction — to gain wealth or fame, — authority or other worldly success — such a one is wrongly called strong-willed. It's not a case of will, only of strong desire.
In contrast, often wrongly dubbed desire is the aspiration for realization of an ideal and for evolutionary progress.
Will is endowment of the soul, coming down from on high; while desire is a propelling force in the personality, welling up from below. In other words; will expresses the power of spirit; desire derives its being from qualities of matter.
Will manifests where wisdom dwells; desires thrives where ignorant reigns.
Will grows stronger by renunciation; desire is intensified by gratification.
Will establishes stability; desire produces restlessness.
Will liberates and uplifts; desire enslaves and debases.
With progressive evolution will will expand into absolute will divine, while desire dissolves into desireless-ness.
Will is destined to triumph over desire.

Between the two — between will and desire — stands mind. Directed downward into matter, mind feeds desire; directed upward toward spirit, it supports the will.

If mind sides with desire — as it so often does — the will can hardly find effective expression. Mind must combine with will to nullify the unworthy instigations of persistent desire.
Not until the mind stops stimulating desire, can the will become sufficiently strong and free to extricate the soul from the perilous snares of provocative senses.
{excerpt from "Conquest of the Serpent"}

How Rivers Are Made

Born of suns

we are one

with the


within the seeming opaque darkness

of the material flesh

within thine mind

shines forth thine


thine vessel


an eternal flame

how brilliant thou shineth forth

thine radiant


when thou



The Perfection

just as one
feels wronged by dishonesty
acknowledge one
has been

just as one
feels wronged by
uncaring actions
acknowledge one
has been

just as one
feels abandoned
by a loved one
acknowledge one
has abandoned

Therein lies
the beauty of
the universal law

how swift
the world
our call
to learn
this subtle
nuance of truth!

::bear witness::
::to the pain::
::of one's denial::

only when one can truly
live by the creed of
"do unto others"
will one be capable of
manifesting the
relation of
one's dream

to command
common decency
one must be decent

oh the arrogance
of those who
to receive
what they have
yet to give!

ones with an
honest and caring heart
who offer kindness
despite the lack thereof in
their fellow humanity
firmly root
heaven upon the

It is the choice of
each one of one
to be that which
dispensates or denies
that which
covets or shares

this is where wisdom
and the skill of discernment
develops the appropriate provision
depending on what is

Those whom
draw the
waters from
another realm

and offer openly to those
parched in the desert
of a world starved of love
and who are thirsty to drink
from the fountain
of the evelasting

:::and this:::
:::is shared:::

one need not
love other's actions
when they are harmful
but certainly,
one need love all others
as thyself

none must be
preferred over another
each shall be given
appropriate experiences
according to their works

one must not
desire to control
another's actions
they are irrelavent
save thine own...

all those in error
are not wrong
just subject to
learning the lessons

all are here
to teach/learn
all are here
to hurt/heal
all are here
to witness
the perfection
of being
& non-being
in the eternal dance
of polarities
in balance...

Want to Be

~click pic~

The Shape of Me

like a rock

tumbling in the ocean

I am learning to


over and over

and over and



my jagged edges

are no more...


"Conquer the angry man by love.

Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness.

Conquer the miser with generosity.

Conquer the liar with truth." 

The Buddha (The Dhammapada)

Right Memory

Let us forget the things that vexed and tried us,
The worrying things that caused our souls to fret;
The hopes that, cherished long, were still denied us,
Let us forget.
Let us forget the little slights that pained us,
The greater wrongs that rankle sometimes yet;
The pride with which some lofty one disdained us,
Let us forget.
Let us forget our brother' s fault and failing,
The yielding to temptations that beset,
That he, perchance, though grief be unavailing,
Cannot forget.
But blessings manifold, and past deserving,
Kind words and helpful deeds, a countless throng;
The fault o' ercome, the rectitude unswerving,
Let us remember long.
The sacrifice of love, the generous giving
When friends were few, the handclasp warm and strong;
The fragrance of each life of holy living,
Let us remember long.
Whatever things were good and true and gracious,
Whate' er of right has triumphed over wrong,
What love of God or man has rendered precious,
Let us remember long.

I Confront Thee

To confront a person with his own shadow

is to show him his own light.

--Carl G. Jung

The light of Spirit

enters our hearts

when we 

choose to open

when we are

 learning about

loving ourselves 

and others,

and the darkness

enters our hearts

when we

choose to

close up 

and act 

based upon 

states of 





or hurt.

the key word

in all of this?


Never Forget

 “Never forget that there is no darkness save that which is made by ignorance and delusion. 

It was well said: .. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father/Mother of Lights, in whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.'

In the GREAT ONE is no darkness at all, but humanity turns their backs on the GREAT ONE's Light, and then walk in their own shadows, crying out that it is dark.”

~Lord Maitreya

The Sleep of Reason


"I hold that truth and error, good and evil, are to be found everywhere and in all religions and amongst all peoples; and no matter how pure the original doctrines of any form of faith may be, it is impossible to prevent the ambitions and the lusts, the greed and the cruelty of the undeveloped human soul from perverting the purity of the teachings and turning them to the basest purposes and overlaying them with the grossest errors . . . The absurd ordinances, the horrible sacrifices, the revolting practices, the grotesque beliefs, the fantastic theories, that had crept into the teaching of this religion, were all excrescences fastened one by one upon the simple purity of the teaching of its founder......"


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